The 100 Black Men of America, Inc. originated in New York City in 1963 by like-minded business, political and community leaders who advocated for improvement in conditions adversely effecting African-American youth. They envisioned an organization that would capitalize on their collective power to address inequities and to empower African-Americans to become agents of change in their communities. As a symbol of their solidarity, the group embraced the name, One Hundred Black Men. The National 100 has since grown to over 110 chapters worldwide and has become the voice of black community leaders who provide scholarships, educational support, economic empowerment, mentoring, health and wellness initiatives and an overall voice of the African American community.
The founding impetus of the 100 Black Men of Savannah, Inc. was the Million Man March in 1996 in Washington, DC, after which, under the leadership of Charles L. Gordon, a number of Savannah’s concerned African-American men, of diverse backgrounds and experience who shared a commitment to strengthening and improving our communities. Within six months, the 100 Black Men of Savannah, Inc. was chartered and held its first fundraiser – – which, like successive Galas, featured our youth, honored community leaders, and received substantial support from a broad spectrum of Savannah’s business and professional communities.
The legacy of the 100 Black Men of Savannah, Inc. is one of hard work, innovative solutions, and an unwavering commitment to mentoring and empowering Savannah’s young people. We are Real Mean Who Give Real Time, leading the way by Mentoring the 100 Way Across a Lifetime through our mentoring, education, leadership, and economic empowerment programs and as an advocate for Savannah’s youth.
The founding impetus of the 100 Black Men of Savannah, Inc. was the Million Man March in 1996 in Washington, DC, after which, under the leadership of Charles L. Gordon, a number of Savannah’s concerned African-American men, of diverse backgrounds and experience who shared a commitment to strengthening and improving our communities. Within six months, the 100 Black Men of Savannah, Inc. was chartered and held its first fundraiser – – which, like successive Galas, featured our youth, honored community leaders, and received substantial support from a broad spectrum of Savannah’s business and professional communities.
The legacy of the 100 Black Men of Savannah, Inc. is one of hard work, innovative solutions, and an unwavering commitment to mentoring and empowering Savannah’s young people. We are Real Mean Who Give Real Time, leading the way by Mentoring the 100 Way Across a Lifetime through our mentoring, education, leadership, and economic empowerment programs and as an advocate for Savannah’s youth.
The 100 Black Men of Savannah, Inc. receives no public funds. Our primary sources of financial support are our annual Gala and individual and corporate donations. These funds support college scholarships, tutoring programs, and other youth-oriented activities. As an IRS 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization, the 100 Black Men of Savannah, Inc. your donation may be fully deductible.